
      Shopping online for pictures can lead to an additional family income. Many options are at your disposal. Some of them include:

a. Shop, take possession of the "art work" and resell.

b. Shop, it never arrives to you; it leave the manufacturer or other "company" and is shipped directly to the customer. This would be to choose the "drop-shipping option."

c. Subscribe to an apparel/art/wall picture/photography program (website) and literally tell the world why they should buy their products. This is the "promotion option."

d. You design wall art websites for people; for a fee of course, and make it a permanent income source. You promote the website host's program as well as how great it would be for your customers to design and promote their own version of wall art promotion. way of forming your own online gallery...


Your smartphone, or your assistant if you are driving as part of the task,  will be your new best friend!

        You may want to use this technique in forming your own gallery. It consist of designing a day's task and accumulating no less than 10 images per day for as long as you desire.

        Basically, you can follow this procedure for as long as you think is necessary in designing your gallery.

Phase one would be before you left home.

Phase two would be on your way to work.

Phase three would be to fill in what is desired by you, such as what you see during lunch, the drive home and other opportunities as you see it.

   An over view of the program is as follows:

    As your day begins, try this:

a. Take an image of the dew on the grass.

b. Take an image of any birds on wires, poles, or on your porch.

c.  What's in your yard, a squirrel, rabbit, dog! Take it!

d.  Step outside an look up to the sky. Do you see an unusual type of cloud formation? How about the sun as it is peeking through and making a cloud look a certain color?

e. On way to work, with someone driving, or someone shooting images for you, take an image of traffic that is unique, eye-catching, or one of a kind color of something.

f. Take an image of a road's edge, rock formation, or of a school bus, but not any kids faces or bus license or bus numbers.

g. Coming from the parking lot, do you see anything you'd like to take an image of?

h. What do you see when you are on break! Near an elevator, or a particular food item!

i. On the way home, look aerial; see any unique clouds. Get a picture of the sun set.

     The above ideas may give you a head start on your new money making online gallery! Add more as you go!